Portrait by Keamber Pearson

Rhamel Boyd


Trial & Error

Meet Tum and Ace, friends, brothers. Similar but not the same. In this series I'm offered a glimpse of twin siblings Anthony and Antoine.

Titled “Trial & Error”, I spend time with the two exploring who they are. Facets, passions. Such as boxing and screen-printing for a burgeoning fashion line.

With the intent to learn about what separates Tum and Ace instead I notices a similar trial and error nature in their passions and I believe that helps tethers these brothers together in the pursuit of their dreams


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About Rhamel

New York-based photographer Rhamel Elijah Boyd offers a window to a world through his eyes for anyone that can empathize with creativity driven by wonder.

His eye is a curious point of view that he likes to convey using visual art. Currently shooting digital photography. Rhamel employs his understanding of the human condition by capturing candid scenes and creating expressive works.

His work is a conduit for which he abstracts his perspectives in an exploration of art as a medium of communication




Presented by BKC & ASMP NY, The Bridge is a groundbreaking 16-week mentorship program for 18-26 year old emerging photographers and creative artists. To learn more about The Bridge, CLICK HERE.