Dax Lee

The Bridge Class of 2023



Self Reflection

In August 2023, I embarked on a captivating photography project, exploring the diverse layers of human expressions exhibited in varying social contexts. I was deeply intrigued by how individuals unveil different facets of their personality depending on the specific social situations they encounter. At a work event, one might exclusively reveal their professional demeanor, while at a party, their confidence takes center stage. Furthermore, there's a side that remains concealed, only shared with their inner circle or reserved for introspection. My objective was to encapsulate this multifaceted notion within a single photograph, featuring individuals from different aspects of my life.


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About Dax

Hey! My name is Devon but I prefer to go by Dax. I’ve spent the last three years on a journey with the goal of capturing life's various diverse moments through my lens. My photography expertise spans across multiple genres that include portraits, lifestyle, automotive, landscapes, street scenes, product showcases, and of course the ever-evolving world of fashion.

My photographic philosophy is rooted in capturing timeless moments, instants that become cherished heirlooms. With each shutter click I aim to encapsulate not just the scene, but the very essence of the moment – be it the raw emotions of a portrait, the narrative told by fashion, the intricate details of products, the sprawling allure of landscapes, or the vivacity of bustling streets.


Presented by BKC & ASMP NY, The Bridge is a groundbreaking 16-week mentorship program for 18-26 year old emerging photographers and creative artists. To learn more about The Bridge, CLICK HERE.